Soybean Market Hedge Operations: a comparative analysis for the State of Paraná


  • Julyerme Matheus Tonin
  • João Ricardo Tonin UEM
  • Giovano Marcel Tonin UEM


Basis Risk, Causality, Hedge optimal ratio and effectiveness


This article aims to examine the soybean spot price correlation between producers from the Maringá region and port of Paranaguá wholesalers, and the BM&F and CBOT future price indexes. The compiled data is referred to the period from January, 2003 to September, 2008. The relation between spot and future prices of the selected places was analyzed with the use of basis risk calculation, Granger test of causality and effectiveness and optimal ratio of hedge. The calculation demonstrated that the basis of the BM&F future contracts, in the first semester of the years examined, tends to be less sustainable than the basis of the CBOT future contracts. This tendency is reversed in the second semester. As for the Granger test of causality, a bi-causal correlation was observed between the spot and future prices, and an unidirectional correlation observed between spots prices. The analysis of the effectiveness and optimal ratio of hedge suggests that the BM&F future contracts have a wider probability for price risk reduction.

Author Biographies

Julyerme Matheus Tonin

Economista. Mestre em Economia Aplicada pela Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV

João Ricardo Tonin, UEM

Graduando em Economia da Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM

Giovano Marcel Tonin, UEM

Graduando em Economia da Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM



How to Cite

Tonin, J. M., Tonin, J. R., & Tonin, G. M. (2011). Soybean Market Hedge Operations: a comparative analysis for the State of Paraná. Revista Paranaense De Desenvolvimento - RPD, (115), 7–30. Retrieved from