Urban utopias and the democratic challenge


  • Carlos B. Vainer Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ


Entrepreneurial city, Urban planning, Democratic city, Urban utopia


The aknowledgment that urban poverty is increasing, including in the heart of our metropolitan regions, the recent approval of the Statute of the City, the new Ministery of the Cities, the 2.500 delegates coming from about 3.500 municipalities who met in the Congress of the Cities, all these events create an ambiance which favours a systematic and in depth discussion of the causes of our urban inequalities and poverty, and the means to overcome this situation.


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Author Biography

Carlos B. Vainer, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Doutor em Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social pela Universidade de Paris I.



How to Cite

Vainer, C. B. (2011). Urban utopias and the democratic challenge. Revista Paranaense De Desenvolvimento - RPD, (105), 25–31. Retrieved from https://ipardes.emnuvens.com.br/revistaparanaense/article/view/173