Reality and challenges of the brazilian metropolitan urban areas: socioeconomic diagnoses and management structure


  • Rosa Moura Instituto Paranaense de Desenvolvimento Econômico - IPARDES
  • Paulo Roberto Delgado IPARDES
  • Marley V. Deschamps IPARDES
  • Nelson Ari Cardoso IPARDES


Metropolitan regions, Metropolitan management, Social and regional inequalities, Urban network


This study aims at analyze the reality of metropolitan regions and their challenges in the Brazilian federation, with a socioeconomic and management structure diagnosis. At first, referring exclusively to officially instituted ones, it describes the two distinct stages of institutionalization process, pointing the recent motivation for increasing units, despite of pertinence to the concept of metropolis.


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Author Biographies

Rosa Moura, Instituto Paranaense de Desenvolvimento Econômico - IPARDES

Doutora em Geografia. Pesquisadora IPARDES e da Rede Observatório das Metrópoles.

Paulo Roberto Delgado, IPARDES

Sociólogo,  Doutor em Meio Ambientee Desenvolvimento pela UFPR.

Marley V. Deschamps, IPARDES

Economista, Doutora em Meio Ambientee Desenvolvimento pela UFPR.

Nelson Ari Cardoso, IPARDES

Sociólogo, pesquisador do IPARDES.



How to Cite

Moura, R., Delgado, P. R., Deschamps, M. V., & Cardoso, N. A. (2011). Reality and challenges of the brazilian metropolitan urban areas: socioeconomic diagnoses and management structure. Revista Paranaense De Desenvolvimento - RPD, (105), 33–56. Retrieved from