Seqüestro de carbono florestal: oportunidades e riscos para o Brasil


  • Manyu Chang Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ


Carbon sink, Climate change, Global warming


This paper analyses the political and economical meaning of the carbon sequestration policy in the Kyoto Protocol. In Climate Conferences it is observed a trend towards replacing the “command and control”- type environmental management instruments by flexible market mechanisms. The carbon sequestration policy is based on the polluterpays principle, which has a remedying effect instead of a preventive one. The paper also suggests a typology of three types whereby, depending on the concept in each type of project it may benefit different social segments or economic groups in different ways. The analysis also suggests that it is important that the government sets up a framework for these projects and a close follow up so that the market forces do not act as the only determinant.

Author Biography

Manyu Chang, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Mudanças Climátics Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Desenvolvimento Rural Adaptação e Mitigação de emissões de GEE Políticas em Mudanças Climáticas



How to Cite

Chang, M. (2011). Seqüestro de carbono florestal: oportunidades e riscos para o Brasil. Revista Paranaense De Desenvolvimento - RPD, (102), 85–101. Retrieved from


