A nova dinâmica regional brasileira e uma agenda de pesquisas para o Paraná


  • Otaviano Canuto UNICAMP


This paper approaches some general features of regional development in Brazil since the beginning of the eighties. As a background to the new Brazilian regional economic dynamics, the text highlights some deep changes at the levels of both national and international economies. The focus lies upon the transformations in the forms of interaction among regions within Brazil which came simultaneously with new linkages between each one of the regions and the international economy. Special attention is given to Mercosur in this respect. As final considerations, the paper outlines a research agenda through which one might improve the understanding of Paraná’s economic performance as a by-product of the new Brazilian regional economic dynamics and of Paraná’s insertion within that dynamics.


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Author Biography

Otaviano Canuto, UNICAMP

Economista, Doutor em Economia pela Unicamp. Professor do Instituto de Economia da Unicamp.



How to Cite

Canuto, O. (2011). A nova dinâmica regional brasileira e uma agenda de pesquisas para o Paraná. Revista Paranaense De Desenvolvimento - RPD, (94), 9–28. Retrieved from https://ipardes.emnuvens.com.br/revistaparanaense/article/view/279


