Management of regional development and strategies for support policies to Local Production Arrangements: traditional and new generation APLs, or territorial production systems


  • Mariano de Matos Macedo Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR


Regional development administration, Local production arrangements, Territorial production systems


Among the criticisms that have been made to policies supporting APLs in Brazil, the most persistent ones refer to an alleged “administrative” and/ or “local” perspective of this policy. Administrative, because it reduces politicy to an issue primarily related to APL’s management, administration or governance, regarding to “successful cases” – generally from more developed regions and, therefore, frequently out of context of the present reality. Local, because the concept that local scale has unlimited power to create its own dynamic conditions permeates the policy. The objective of this article is to answer to such criticisms by presenting some strategical issues that APL support policies could take under consideration, in order to strengthen their territorial aspect. This would transform their pattern and induce the configuration of new generation production arrangements or production territorial systems.

Author Biography

Mariano de Matos Macedo, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR

Economista, doutor em Economia pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)



How to Cite

Macedo, M. de M. (2012). Management of regional development and strategies for support policies to Local Production Arrangements: traditional and new generation APLs, or territorial production systems. Revista Paranaense De Desenvolvimento - RPD, (120), 101–112. Retrieved from



Dossiê: Planejamento e Gestão Urbana e Regional - Parte 2 - Organização: Rosa Moura