Water Resources Management: an approach on the Hydrographic Basin Committees


  • Denise Rauber Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Pato Branco.
  • Jussara Cabral Cruz Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS


Hydrographic Basin Committees. Management. Water Resources.


The present article discourses about the concepts established for water management based on the Federal Legislation represented by Law 9433 from January 8, 1997, which establishes the need for training committees for management of hydrographic basins. It also shows the configuration of the construction process of Committees in the State of Paraná until May, 2013, guided by the State Legislation of Water Resources, State Law 12.726/99 and by the State Decree No. 9130 of December 27, 2010 which establishes the implementation procedure of the Hydrographic Basin Committees and by the case study of the Committee of the Tributaries of Lower Iguaçu. In order to gather information we used bibliographical and documental research and carried out two interviews as well. From the 12 Hydrographic Units previewed for the establishments of Hydrographic Basin Committees in the State of Paraná eight Hydrographic Basin Committees were established until May 2013, and three more have indication of Provisional Governing Board and one under negotiation, but without any implementation prevision. It was also observed that the Committee of the Tributaries of the Lower Iguaçu started its process of establishment in the year 2011, with the participation of 72 municipalities with a population of 990,827 inhabitants (PLERH/PR, 2011) in a total area of drainage of the Hydrographic Unit of 26,596 km² and had the Committee establishment approval by Resolution No81 CEERH/PR, from May 28, 2013.


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Author Biographies

Denise Rauber, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Pato Branco.

Possui graduação em Ciências Econômicas pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (1999) e mestrado em Integração Latino - Americana pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2005). Atualmente é representante da UTFPR do Conselho Municipal de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social de Pato Branco, representante da UTFPR do Conselho Municipal de Meio Ambiente de Pato Branco, Professora da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Pato Branco.

Jussara Cabral Cruz, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Eng Civil pela UFRGS (1982), mestre em Eng Civil pela UFRJ (1987) e doutora em Recursos Hídricos e Saneamento Ambiental pela UFRGS (2001). Atua na área de engenharia sanitária, com ênfase em planejamento integrado dos recursos hídricos. Principais linhas de pesquisa: Gestão de Recursos Hídricos com ênfase nos processos e métodos para implementação dos instrumentos de gestão, monitoramento hidrológico, modelagem hidrológica, disponibilidade hídrica, fragilidades ambientais para licenciamento ambiental outorga, meio ambiente. Tem experiência em coordenação de projetos de irrigação, barragens, canais, diques, redes pressurizadas.



How to Cite

Rauber, D., & Cruz, J. C. (2013). Water Resources Management: an approach on the Hydrographic Basin Committees. Revista Paranaense De Desenvolvimento - RPD, 34(125), 123–140. Retrieved from https://ipardes.emnuvens.com.br/revistaparanaense/article/view/640



Dossiê: Economia, Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento. Org.: Prof. Dr. Christian Luiz da Silva