The UPPs, the Elites and the Press: militarization and consumption in the “pacification” process in Rio de Janeiro’s slums


  • Dinaldo Almendra


UPP. Pacification. Press. Militarization. Consumption.


This paper analyses the relations between the media and the public safety policy in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The analysis focuses on the symbolic building of the the Pacifying Police Unit (UPPs) in the media, mostly newspapers such as O Globo and Extra, taking the concept of social representation as a theoretical and methodological strategy to approach the “urban violence” problem. As a result, it presents the hybridization between the discourses of police militarization and consumption in the relations between public safety, the elites and the press, turning Rio de Janeiro into a “business city” oriented to sports mega events, where the fear of violence and the dreams of consumers are articulated in the maintenance of public order.


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How to Cite

Almendra, D. (2014). The UPPs, the Elites and the Press: militarization and consumption in the “pacification” process in Rio de Janeiro’s slums. Revista Paranaense De Desenvolvimento - RPD, 35(126), 61–89. Retrieved from



Dossiê: Sociologia da Violência. Org.: Prof. Dr. Pedro Rodolfo Bodê de Moraes