Santiago, competitiveness in the global cities network: elements for a critical analysis


  • Carlos A. de Mattos Pontificía Universidad Católica de Chile - PUC. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbanos Regionales - Eure.


Urban competitiveness, Urban management, Competitiveness city ranking, Worldwide cities network


The globalized economic dynamics converted competitivity, guided by locational attractiveness, into a strategic element for economic growth of countries, regions, cities and corporations; evidently, it is a new manner of administration. In this context, a new geography has imposed itself, structured around a global network of cross-border cities. Based on the analysis of the city of Santiago, this article tries to answer: Which are the basic competitivity conditions for a place or city, determined by the national spectrum? How is Santiago situated in this dynamic? To this intent, the article examines two globally scaled urban competitiveness studies, that included Santiago as one the avaliated cities, conducted by MasterCard and Mercer Human Resource Consulting. The attractiveness of those cities was analyzed based on their business environment and quality of life standards - a structure offered to workers who were expatriated as consequence of their companies’s expansion strategies. In light of the analyses, it is possible to propose some general conclusions about the range of urban competitivity strategies and public policies – as well as their limitations. Some related aspects are discussed, such as Santiago’s perspectives in comparison with other cities, and the impact upon the urban agglomeration caused by advences in competitivity.


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Author Biography

Carlos A. de Mattos, Pontificía Universidad Católica de Chile - PUC. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbanos Regionales - Eure.

Arquiteto, especialista em Planejamento Econômico pelo Instituto Lationamericano de Planificación Económica y Social - Ilpes. Professor investigador do Instituto Urbanos y Territoriales da PUC



How to Cite

de Mattos, C. A. (2012). Santiago, competitiveness in the global cities network: elements for a critical analysis. Revista Paranaense De Desenvolvimento - RPD, (120), 113–132. Retrieved from



Dossiê: Planejamento e Gestão Urbana e Regional - Parte 2 - Organização: Rosa Moura