Urban Roadways Classification: the Brazilian Traffic Code and the Municipal Master Plan in State Of Parana


  • Fernando Domingues Caetano Serviço Social Autônomo PARANACIDADE
  • Adalberto Matoski Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná


Urban roadway. Classification. Roadway System. Brazilian Traffic Code. Master Plan. Urbanplanning.


This article aims at identifying the main cause for the discrepancy between the number of classifications of urban roadways established by the Brazilian Traffic Code – CTB and the number found in the Municipal Master Plans in the State of Parana. As to methodology, It was used the documentary research, through consultation of the digital collection of the Serviço Social Autônomo PARANACIDADE of State of Parana Master Plans, aiming to identify the classification standards used in the Roadway System Laws, part of the Master Plan, emphasizing the standard related to roadways functionality. Findings: The survey results identified that the main cause for the discrepancy between these numbers was the mix, in the same Master Plan, the standard classification of the CTB, with other different classifications, not related to the roadways functionality. Originality/value: Emphasizing the multifunctional character of urban roadways; highlighting the territorial component of urban roadways classification that the CTB has aggregated; and pointing aspects of urban mobility to be considered by policies of the State of Parana for urban development, in continuity to Law 15.229/2006.


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Author Biography

Fernando Domingues Caetano, Serviço Social Autônomo PARANACIDADE

2001-2006 Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo - Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos - Universidade de São Paulo.

2009-2013 Especialização em Gerenciamento de Obras - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

2008-2013 Analista de Desenvolvimento Municipal - Serviço Social Autônomo PARANACIDADE



How to Cite

Caetano, F. D., & Matoski, A. (2014). Urban Roadways Classification: the Brazilian Traffic Code and the Municipal Master Plan in State Of Parana. Revista Paranaense De Desenvolvimento - RPD, 35(126), 177–190. Retrieved from https://ipardes.emnuvens.com.br/revistaparanaense/article/view/657