Panorama, tendências e competitividade da indústria de alimentos e de bebidas no Paraná


  • Daniel Nojima IPARDES


Farming business, Food industry, Competitiviness, Regional development


The present article provides a general picture of Paraná food and beverage industry and its competitive aspects in the 90’s. It is the result of a joint work, based on a survey of 207 similar companies, elaborated by Senai and IPARDES in May and June 1999. The aforementioned work assessed some indicators concerning human resources, management, production and innovation. In spite of the research being exploratory, its results represent a preliminary understanding of such industries’ new work basis, as well as provide important elements for further researches. Its first section, where a picture and some trends are delineated, indicates there is a diversification of products pointing to more sophisticated lines of business and a continuous development of productive chains concerning farming business. The second section, presents field research main results showing that competitive restrictions and virtues coexist in such companies.

Author Biography

Daniel Nojima, IPARDES

Economista, mestre em Teoria Econômica pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), doutorando em Desenvolvimento Econômico pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR).



How to Cite

Nojima, D. (2011). Panorama, tendências e competitividade da indústria de alimentos e de bebidas no Paraná. Revista Paranaense De Desenvolvimento - RPD, (95), 79–87. Retrieved from


